Classifying technologies during the assessment, treatment planning, documentation and evaluation phases of music therapy: A survey of board-certified practitioners. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 8, CSCW2, Article 414 (Nov. 2024), 1-24.
Exploring design recommendations for promoting brain health, ADRD health literacy, and participation in clinical ADRD trials in older African American/Black adults. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW, (In Press).
The Feasibility of AgileNudge+ Software to Facilitate Positive Behavioral Change: A Mixed Methods Design. JMIR Formative Research 8(1).
Exploring the integration of technology in art therapy: Insights from interviews with art therapists. Art Therapy (Sep. 2024), 1-7.
AI-generated art in art therapy: insights from art therapists using a mixed methods approach. JMIR Formative Research (In Press).
Creating Demand for Unmet Needs: Agile Storytelling. Frontiers in Health Services 4 (2024): 1376695.
Agile Monitoring Dashboard for Clinical research Studies. Trials, 25(1), 1-14.
Testing three modalities – voice assistant, chat bot and mobile app – to assist older African American/Black adults in seeking information on Alzheimer and related dementias: Wizard of Oz usability study. JMIR Formative Research (In Press).
Exploring the impact of digital art therapy on people with dementia: A framework and research-based discussion. In Advances in Emerging Information and Communication Technology. International Conference on Innovation of Emerging Information and Communication Technology 2023. Signals and Communication Technology. Springer, Cham, 133-143.
Creating a Multimedia Platform to Increase Health Literacy about Brain Health, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia Among African American/Black Adults: A Human Centered Design Approach. In APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo.
Understanding Care Work: Aging, Dementia, and Technology. In WAIM Summer Conference 2022.
navigating Discontinuities: Practices of Home Health Care Workers. In WAIM Summer Conference 2022.